At What Point?

As much as I try to keep myself positive some days the boiling point just feels low! I know I can’t be the only parent that has these days. If you have ever had a teenager you know my pain, if you have had a bipolar teenager than you really KNOW my pain!

I love to hear, “Well IF he were my kid…” It is so easy to throw stones but if you haven’t walked in someone’s shoes sometimes it is best to just listen and be there without judgement. In my case I say, “it is like stopping a speeding train.” You can WILL the train to stop but it won’t, you can yell and scream at the train for it to stop but it won’t, you can take away the train’s windows but it will still keep moving.  I have to believe that somethings are just out of our control. Otherwise I am gonna beat myself up! boiling point_title

Today I am choosing my battles carefully because otherwise, I a bubbling over the top. Please tell me I am NOT the only one.  I am trying to see the silver lining. He is not into drugs, drinking, and other life dangerous things. He is not sick, (physically), He has some wonderful qualities. We are just going through a rough road. Although it has been a lifetime for him on this road. rough road I am working for a smoother tomorrow! Still learning how to parent a bipolar teen. Hoping tomorrow will be better!




3 thoughts on “At What Point?

  1. Christina Goebel says:

    Michelle, thanks for sharing and letting other parents know they aren’t alone. It’s difficult for parents and teachers to cope with teens, let alone be the parent or teacher of a teen with additional needs. As you encounter some strategies that smooth the road a bit, share them with us!

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